I just came back to this blog to get a bit of history. I'm still not very happy with my weight, and couldn't remember where I was last year. When I started couch-to-5k I was hovering around 63-64 kilos (140-144 lbs). These days I weigh just a little less, 62.3 kilos (137 lbs). That's... well, that's what that is.
I'm currently living in mexico, and yes, the nice weather makes a huge difference. However, I live in a very hilly neighborhood, the traffic is pretty intense, and the streets & sidewalks are beyond uneven (literally, there's holes everywhere). Definitely different from the 100% flat streets of Amsterdam. It's not wise for me to run after dark - not because it's unsafe, but because the traffic here really is different. I don't live near a park, so I run on the sidewalks and roads, and man those cars are not very concerned for my well-being. In Amsterdam, cars drive at the speed of bikes. Drivers are always watching out for pedestrians or cyclists. here, the car rules, and it's hard to get used to that.
The hills are also tough. When I run around my 'hood I try as much as possible to avoid the hills, but that's pretty hard. these days I try to go running between 5-6 pm, when it's a little cooler outside and the sun is setting. the view and sunset is always beautiful, it never rains, and the traffic isn't quite so bad as it gets after 6.30/7pm.
I haven't attempted a 30-minute run again, but my last run was ... 26 minutes, I think. maybe 27, but I think 26. I'm also going to the gym regularly, which I love. there's a great class that is now meeting 3 times a week, and it's really aerobic and really tough. the first few weeks were REALLY painful. but now I can take the class without getting sore, and when the class is over I typically do weight exercises for my arms for about 30 minutes.
I'm trying to keep up with running because again, I have a trip coming up (to NY) and I don't want to just simply stop exercising. so I'm trying to remember that yes, it is possible for me to run, and it is also possible for me to do arm and ab exercises at home (though I much prefer going to a gym).
The thing that really just bums me out is my weight. I'd love to lose 3 kilos (7-8 lbs). All my clothes would look better on me if I lost 3 kilos. I have a fantastic pair of jeans that I must have bought when I was more like 59 kilos (130lbs), and every so often I put them on but fuck man, they're really tight. really. really very uncomfortable. I have another pair of jeans from when I was probably more like 57 kilos (my ideal weight), which I used to be for a really long time. Those jeans - forget about it. and they're tight everywhere, including my legs. I just feel bigger and grosser than I used to, and ... ugh, I just hate dieting so much. I mean, if I want to lose this 3 kilos, I really just need to diet. which is so not fun. I live in mexico! the food is amaaaaaazing.
Sometime after I got back from Tanzania (in June, earlier this year), I also got pretty sick. luckily not from bacteria or anything like that, I just got a terrible summer flu that really knocked me out for a week or so. I think that sickness, combined with a very very basic diet in Tanzania, did make me lose a bit of weight. some people i worked with remarked I looked thinner and it sounded great to hear. it was complimentary, like "wow, you look great! I think you lost weight..."
I want to hear that again.
off to the gym in an hour. I'll work hard. I'll try to keep the eating light this week, and the drinking as minimal as possible. and then off to NYC in a week....
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