back to my randomly sporadic updating.
In December, I went to NY from 15-25th. while there I *did* actually go running a few times and my last run was for 31 minutes! it felt great. it was fun, sorta kinda fun, to run outside in a new area (at my father's house in upstate NY) in temperatures that I was more used to - 5-8C or so, grey days. just like amsterdam. It was the holidays, so of course I ate and drank a lot, but I have to say that this time once I got to NYC I didn't pig out AS much as I usually do when visiting NYC. tried to keep things a bit more balanced, but still definitely consumed a lot of booze.
From Dec 26-Jan 6th, I was in Mazunte, Mexico and Oaxaca City. I drank a lot of mezcal and ate like I was on vacation. it's easier in Mexico though - at the beach there was so much seafood, fruit, healthier options. I didn't feel like I really overdid anything, but I hardly exercised at all. went hiking once for about 4 hours and did some other walking-around-in-the-woods type stuff, but that was about it.
but with vacation behind me and back to a regular routine of mainly preparing my own breakfast/lunch/dinner, my weight is at 61.5 kilos/135.5 lbs, which is where I left off in mid-December. I'm making an effort to eat well and not drink as much beer, absolutely. feeling very lazy about exercise and whatnot but I want sooo much to lose this 10 lbs. and I absolutely do not want to gain an ounce so... fingers crossed I can lose once I get to A'dam next week. :/