Since I last wrote I have sadly not kept up with running - even though the point of starting a 5k program was so that I would have a workout I could "take anywhere," it turns out that when I'm traveling around mexico, running is not in my mind at all.
So it's May now, and it would probably be a huge painful effort to attempt to run for 30 minutes in a row. I'm not going to try anytime soon - I've got a trip to Tanzania coming up, so that's another 3 weeks away. There's no way on earth that I'm going to re-start my running program there, but let's see what happens when I come back.
in somewhat good news, my weight is down a little from when I last wrote - today I weighed in at 62.7 kilos/138.2 lbs. no idea how accurate the scale is or whatever, but I feel my weight around that number - meaning I don't feel like I've gained any additional weight in the past few months. over the past several weeks I've cut way way way back on my beer consumption, and I think that will remain in effect while I'm in Tanzania.
more updates to come in June. :)